Completing Slope's Application Widget


Before getting started with your Slope application, we recommend having the following information available:

  • Business name, physical address, website, phone number, email

  • Tax ID

  • Annual revenue over the last 12 months

  • Beneficial owner's (an individual with 25% or more ownership in the company) name, DOB, SSN, personal address, email, phone number

  • Bank account logins for all business accounts

  • Authorization from one beneficial owner for a consumer credit soft pull - this will not impact credit score.

The process takes about 5 minutes to complete end to end.

You'll start entering the following business information: business name, estimated revenue and monthly spend, physical address, website, phone number, email.

We'll then ask you, the applicant, to provide your details, so we can be in touch if we have any questions.

You'll then provide the following information on every beneficial owner of the company: name, DOB, SSN, personal address, email, phone number. A beneficial owner is defined as an individual with 25% or more ownership in the company.

Share the same information on one control person, if a beneficial owner, select that individual from the dropdown under Select an existing person...

Select a beneficial owner or control person that you'd like to authorize a soft pull on their consumer credit. This doesn't impact the individual's personal credit score.

If you're not the individual authorizing the consumer credit pull, select No. We will email the individual asking for their permission.

If you are the individual authorizing the pull, enter in your DOB and SSN.

Connect all your business bank accounts. This is key for us to give your the appropriate limit, according to your business revenue.

Review your application.

Voila! You'll be notified in seconds whether you're approved: